Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Possibly the most awesome thing in the world...or atleast New Haven

Cupcakes are very in at the moment, cake is so passe...lol

Anyways, New Haven, CT agrees. Follow that Cupcake has generously provided a service to fulfill all of NH's residents with cupcakes on a rotating basis. Each day, mini cake lovers, ok...cupcake lover...get to log on to The Cupcake Truck's blog and find out where in the city the truck will be today.

They have some seriously fantastic flavors like red velvet, potato pecan, and lemon meringue. If you're ever in New Haven, I would add this to your sightseeing list!

PS, they also do parties!! How cute would that be for a wedding or birthday party, or even a graduation party?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Lawn Games

I can't wait to own my own house - hopefully it will have a huge lawn attached. I am going to buy every sort of lawn game to spread out in the backyard! I just love them. What do you play with your family?

Pictured above, clockwise, are Bocce, Ladderball, Croquet, and Horseshoes.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Blog crush...

So I totally have a blog crush on this blog. Rachel, this beautiful blog's owner, has the most interesting posts every day. Not only does she have beautiful pictures, her stories make me laugh out loud. Like seriously, loud laughing because they're funny, and cute, and really make you feel like you're there watching. Plus, she shares her jewelry goodies:) swoon

Friday, September 18, 2009

Organic art

I just love how organic this artist's work is. Check out the rest of Kaitlyn Sullivan's wall friendly work!

It reminds me of Charles Reid, the color, the clarity, the easy flow.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Letter Ice...

Imagine the possibilities at a party...lol

What would you spell?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Good things come in threes...

If you've visited my shop, you've most likely seen this photo. If not, aren't these just the most adorable babies you've ever seen? Huge thank you to photographer, Crista Acosta, for sending me shots from her session with newborn triplets!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Celebrities gone wild

What a D-bag, excuse my french. I really like Taylor Swift, I think she's cute, and she's too nice to be assertive in that kind of situation. Kanye, you messed up. And to not apologize for 36 hours? Big mistake.

As for Serena Williams, I really really find her and her sister obnoxious. I respect her ability to play tennis while wearing jeans, studded boots, and dangly earrings, but honestly, do you need to look that "cool" while sweating like a pig? Do dangly earrings bouncing again the side of your neck really help you play better? Doubt it. Maybe it makes you cranky, cranky enough to yell at the judges. Good idea


FYI, I am giving away one of my necklaces on another blog, Bonbon Rose Girls, so please visit them and leave a comment here. These sweet girls have giveaways practically ever Monday and I was so happy to share this fashionable necklace with their readers!
You have until next Monday to leave a comment! xoxo

Friday, August 28, 2009


Sorry I have been MIA the past week or so...I went to the Jersey Shore with some friends from college - it was a lot of fun, but I must have picked up a bug which has wiped me out the past few days. I'll try to post some stuff soon! xoxo

Friday, August 14, 2009


I posted about Jen's firepit yesterday, but I have a question about friends and weddings. I am a bridesmaid for her upcoming wedding and I want to get her something special for their wedding gift.

Do you do homemade stuff or do you prefer to buy from the registry? I am thinking of making her a quilt. I have an idea of what I want to do and what colors, but I am not going to post here in case she is reading;) Instead, I will share some of my favorite patterns:)

So what did you do? Homemade or storebought?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Great balls of fire...

I was visiting my very best friend Jen on Friday and she has a fire pit at her house! I didn't get a picture of it, but I loved it! It was the perfect place to sit and relax with a drink at 11pm when the sun had gone down and the fire burned bright. We pulled over chairs and propped up our feet and toasted marshmellows for s'mores. Soooo yummy....

I started planning my very own firepit...I like how simple the second one is in the grass, but I love the setup and chairs of the first picture.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I wish there was a way that I could search the web for any mentions of me...

Oh wait, there is!

If you haven't seen Social Mention yet, you need to. You can look up any post tha tmentions you in it.

Enjoy - you're going to be addicted soon.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Simple Elegance - ANORIGINALJEWELRY - Etsy

Love Love Love these!! Great for bridesmaids gifts, teacher gifts, mother's day gifts, any-day gifts!

Monday, August 10, 2009

I am hearting my hearts!

So I looked at the people who heart my shop and since yesterday afternoon, I have 9 new hearts! NINE! Can you believe it? So cool and exciting! That's like a 12% growth...lol

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Yuzu Rose - Etsy

Got a wedding coming up? Party? Just want to look beautiful on a regular day? Look at these beautiful headbands and hair pins!

I am in love with all of her designs.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Felting Wool

Have you ever felted wool? We're thinking about working with felted wool, but I think it might be too much to undertake. If you don't know what it is, to felt wool is to treat wool with hot water and soap to form a cloth-like texture.

Have you done it? Do you have any tips?

Monday, August 3, 2009


So I had a big post for Healthcare planned, but I accidentally deleted it. So instead, I am going to direct you to an article about the 5 KEY FREEDOMS you'll loose if the healthcare reform is passed.

Most important to me is at the end: FREEDOM TO CHOOSE YOUR OWN DOCTOR!!!

Obama's proposed reform has me running for the hills.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Seriously, how pretty does this cake look? I LOVE it! Now I just need to find a guy to marry so I can use this design for my wedding cake;)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Trying something new...

So sorry for the sporadic posting. I am going to try to utilize the time setting for posting every day - each weekend, I will set up several posts that will post themselves throughout the week. Takes away some of the authenticity, but I just don't have time to remember to post during the week, lol. Let's try it, shall we?

I heart Etsy!

Great news! I made my first (and second, third, and fourth) sale on Etsy! Two were actually off Etsy, but they occured because they saw what I had to offer in my shop. Visit my shop to see what new items we have up for sale! I am really excited about this necklace - so cute!

Click here to see more pictures of this necklace!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lucy...Want to go swimming?

There's nothing like watching your little one do something for the first time and really enjoy doing it. For a year, we have tried to get Lucy to enjoy going in the water and she has STUBBORNLY refused, given us dagger looks, snorted in our faces, squirmed out of our arms...It's possible that she's even bitten us before trying to get away.

Well, that has all changed today. We bought her a $10 baby pool from Walmart, with short enough sides for her to jump in and out. At first we had to lift her in, she would stand still for a couple seconds, but jump out. Today, for the first time, she jumped in all by herself! She didn't last long before she jumped out, but then she jumped in again! This time, in the deep end (we placed the pool on an incline so she could stand on dry land inside the pool). So we filled the pool up higher, and she LOVED it!

I felt so proud.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

So not tech savvy....

So for whatever reason, Facebook wasn't cooperating with me. In protest, I am not going to give them the pleasure of screwing me over with the simple uploader for the 10th time today and posting these photos on the blog instead. So for you, enjoy.

Fireworks at the private beachSetting up for the fireworks, before it got dark. We got bitten soooo badly, ouch.

And of course, Saturday was the Parade. Little Lucy got to march with the RTC - she was very excited. We attached a bow and two flags to her harness and she was the prettiest pup there - everyone said so;) We did get our picture taken A LOT along the 1.5mile march.

These pictures were while we were waiting for the float. She looked like she was up until 5am partying after the parade. We all did, we were exhausted and not pretty to look at.

She did pretty well for the first half. By the second half, we had to carry her. She had finally had enough and dragged herself to the side of the road, and under some hedges, plopped down. I had to quickly pick her up and carry her down for the rest of the parade. But, we were rewarded for the rest of Saturday and today. She's spent the last 36 hours snoozing, either in her crate or on our laps:)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I have been using Yahoo mail for as long as I have been using computers...12 years? Maybe 14? And when I finally establist a permanent Yahoo! email account as an adult (not something like "firefly98" or "littlemoon314" or anything preteen) they decided to make you verify letters and numbers for EVERY single email you send...This word verfication craze is getting on my nerves. Can anyone suggest other email companies?

This has ruined my day:(

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Items for sale!

So I officially listed items on Etsy today! To see what I have up, please visit my store!

Here are a couple previews to get you salivating;)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Craft Fair

At my very first craft fair (as a seller). It was supposed to be an awful day, but the sun is peeking out, even at 5 am, and that is a great sign! Come over to the Branford Festival and see what I have for sale!! My talented Aunt will also be selling her wedding accessories! Wish me luck, and thanks!

If you're reading this because you heard my name from the craft fair, thank you for visiting. I will be updating my Etsy shop within the next couple days after I inventory what I have left. Thank you!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy Birthday!!!

I turn 25 today. off to celebrate!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Coffee, NYC style

As I sit here drinking my coffee, I can't help but wish I was people watching, instead of blogging, at Joe in New York. If you're luckier than I am and live in the city, or closer than 90 minutes away, you should go. Use this to get there! Joe's address is 9 E. 13th St. and if you get there early enough, you might just see a hungover celeb!

Friday, May 15, 2009

CitySage is so sweet!

Anne from CitySage left me a comment which reminded me about something I wanted to share with you!

Visit her blog and enter yourself to win some of the best prizes! Gift cards to unique Etsy stores, homemade yummy soap, snuggle-worthy pillows I would never have even imagined existed, artwork, and lots of other things!! Ladies, you're going to enjoy her BlogBirthday giveaways more than you guys out there, but if any of you guys are looking for belated mother's day gifts...better get those typing fingers over to Anne's blog!!! I promise you won't be disappointed!


My scrapbooking friend, Laura, is putting together a kit for me. I don't scrapbook, but I like to look at pretty things and this kit epitomizes me. My favorites are the houndstooths and the pink and green polkadots:)

Isn't it just the bee's knees? Love it:) Thanks hon!

Etsy, etc...

HIIIIIII!!! Darlings, Darlings, I have exciting news:)

I have signed up for Etsy!

Finally, you can own one-of-a-kind items made by moi! I haven't actually posted any new items for sale yet, but that brings me to my next part of good news! I have officially signed up for Branford Festival's annual craft fair. I am sharing space with my talented Aunt who designs wedding stuff, for any of you bride-to-be's out there...Check out her Etsy, she actually has stuff for sale currently and she does CUSTOM ORDERS!!!! No matter how specific you may be...Her Etsy username is WeddingsofDesign. Below are some of my designs...but the adorable baby isn't available....

handpainted with acrylics - custom
Clutch Ball - $25

I embroidered these myself...That's a clown and a turkey. There were themes, I didn't just decide to embroider a turkey...lol. There aren't for sale currently.
We got a little obsessed with his name...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Light as a feather...

Hi everyone!!! I have a special surprise for you! Sarah from Macaroniclub is offering this great necklace by Leah Sakellarides to one lucky winner! All you have to do is leave a comment here and visit the designer's store! And even if you don't win...YOU CAN STILL GET 15% OFF EVERYTHING IN HER STORE!!!!
I really love all of her stuff - it's delicate and girly, but fierce and strong. My favorite is her satellite bracelet....for anyone who needs an idea of what to get me for my birthday...Plus, wish Sarah a Happy Birthday - her's is a lot sooner than mine;)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Remember, back around Christmastime, I mentioned that I hung a paper snowflake garland from the ceiling? Well, today I happened across a talented frenchwoman, Sophie Cuvelier, who makes a living creating garlands - pretty, colorful, eco-friendly - and I saved some pictures of her work.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Running in circles

One thing that we always wonder about is why the puppy has to run in circles for five minutes before finally going to the bathroom. Even in snow that is higher than her shoulders, she will run in a circle to find exactly the right spot. Today, I found this blog with an excellent explanation. Do you know why dogs run in circles before they go potty?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Love these...

These earings are great! They're white leather lattice earings and they come on a cute card. You can buy them for $10 (only ten dollars!!!) from Handlespout. Enjoy!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Just amazing!

Two things today...

1. This is amazing...Some german guy hangs over 9,000 easter eggs on a tree in his yard. It's so tacky, it's gorgeous. Meanwhile, my neighbor's house is two shades of pink. I know which I would rather have in my eyeline....

2. Design Mom, I have mentioned her below, is having a contest again! Click here to see what she has to offer! Isn't she just amazing? so inspiring!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Long time no see...

Hi:) Sorry, it's been a loooooong time since I blogged, but things have been busy. Waiting to hear on interviews, still working on a couple of projects at work, and lots to do tomorrow for the C of C.

Lucy was sick last week, but is feeling much better now. We took her to the beach house and let her roam around the water. She invented her own game. It consists of running towards the waves and when they start to get close to her, run backwards up the sand. Yeah, that's what I thought when I first saw her doing it. Believe me, it's better in theory than in practice. Someone's feetsies got very cold today. But in the sun, it was beautiful. Easily 70 degrees. Love it!!!

And oh yea, Nova's in the final four!!!! Keep those fingers crossed! PS...my bracket is officially doggy food.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Awesome job, Laura!

So, remember my friend I mentioned like 2 posts ago? Yeah, well, I just found out one of her custom layouts made it to someone else's shop. Now, she doesn't make any $$ from the sale, but maybe lots of sales will convince the shop owner that she's swell. So please buy this layout!

Say that again?

I took the day off, sort of. I woke up with a migraine, took some meds, went back to sleep, and woke up feeling fuzzy headed, but no more headache. I thought I might go in if I felt better, but decided that I would only be getting in 2 hours and changed my mind.

Instead, I am cooking...and can you guess what? From Julia Child's Mastering the art of French cooking, Bouillabaisse de Poulet, or chicken in white wine with provincial vegetables and herbs...lol. I have already had to improvise on SEVERAL ingredients, so I will let you know how it turns out...

Pretty update!

Hi everyone!

In case you didn't notice, my blog has a new look! I am really excited to present to you a layout created and designed by my very best friend Laura who has just discovered the art of online scrapbooking. I am so thankful to have her as a friend because she's always the first to know. For good and bad...but isn't this pretty? Go to her blog and ask her what she can make for you! Just don't ask her about Avon;)

I only have a computer for a couple minutes to finish up some chamber work, but I promise to not wait so long to post again!! xoxo